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Romania and the International Court of Justice

ISBN/ISSN: 978-606-27-0090-4
Editura: Hamangiu
28,90 RON
Disponibilitate: IN STOC

Romania are un atasament ferm pentru dreptul international, avand in vedere ca respectarea acestuia constituie un element central al politicii externe a Romaniei. Pentru o tara precum Romania, folosirea principiilor, conceptelor si instrumentelor de drept international este menita nu doar sa consolideze dimensiunea etica a conduitei statului in cadrul relatiilor internationale si, prin urmare, statul de drept pe plan international, ci si sa maximizeze eforturile pentru atingerea celor mai importante obiective nationale.

De asemenea, exista un numar semnificativ de juristi romani care au contribuit in mod substantial la dezvoltarea jurisdictiilor internationale. Recurgerea la jurisdictiile internationale este, asadar, o consecinta fireasca: Romania are o istorie lunga de contacte cu si sprijin pentru aceasta dimensiune esentiala a dreptului international, din perioada interbelica.

Dr. Bogdan Aurescu


Foreword by the Editor, by Dr. Bogdan Aurescu, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Romanian MFA, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Agent of Romania before the International Court of Justice (2004-2009) 


Opening Statement to the Conference “Romania and the International Court of Justice. 5 years since the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea” (Bucharest , 3 February 2014), by Titus Corlatean, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania

Introductory Remarks to the Conference “Romania and the International Court of Justice. 5 years since the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea” (Bucharest , 3 February 2014), by Judge Kenneth Keith, International Court of Justice 

Part 1

5 years since the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine). Significance and Effects

The Importance of The Hague Judgment in the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea for the Romanian Foreign Policy - Dr. Bogdan Aurescu, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of law, University of Bucharest Agent of Romania before the International Court of Justice (2004-2009) 

Roumanie c. Ukraine – un arrêt refondateur - Professeur Alain Pellet, Université Paris-Ouest , Nanterre - La Défense, Président de la Société française pour le Droit international 

L’arrêt sur la délimitation dans la mer Noire: la perp et ive d’un juge ad-hoc - Professeur Jean-Pierre Cot, Juge ad-hoc dans l’affaire de la  Délimitation maritime en Mer Noire, Juge du Tribunal international du droit de la mer 

The Successful Resolution of the Romanian-Ukrainian Maritime Delimitation through Recourse to ICJ – Possible Model for other Delimitation Issues in the Black Sea/Adriatic Sea? – Ambassador Cosmin Dinescu, former Co-Agent of Romania before the International Court of Justice 

The Context of Energy Developments and their Impat on Future Regional Cooperation - Dr. Mihnea Constantinescu, Ambassadorat-large, Special Representative for Energy Security of the Romanian Government 

Part 2

Romania and the International Court of Justice over Time

Section 2.1.

The Beginning: from the Permanent Court of International Justice to the ICJ Advisory Opinions of the Fifties

The Modernity of the 1927 PCIJ Advisory Opinion on the Jurisdiction of the European Commission of the Danube between Galatz and Braila - Alina Miron, Researcher at the University ParisOuest , Nanterre - La Défense 

The 1950 Court’s Advisory Opinions of the International Court of justice on the Admission of States to Membership in the United Nations - Dr. Daniel Müller, Consultant in Public International Law, Researcher at the Centre de droit international de Nanterre, Université Paris Ouest , Nanterre – La Défense 

A Summary Assessment of the 1950 Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice on Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Simon Olleson, Barrister, 13 Old Square Chambers 

Section 2.2.

From the Mazilu Case to the Recognition of the Compulsory Jurisdiction. Romania’s Lessons Learned in ICSID Arbitrations

Romania, the ICJ, and the 1989 Advisory Opinion concerning the Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (the Mazilu case): an outsider’s view - Sir Michael Wood, Member of the International Law Commission 

Romania and the 2010 Advisory Opinion concerning the Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo - Liviu Dumitru, deputy director, International Law and Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania 

Romania and the Legal Protection of Foreign Investment: Lessons Learned from the Case-law created under Romania’s Bilateral Investment Treaties - Cornel Popa, Partner, Tuca, Zbarcea & Asociatii Law Firm 

The Effects of a Future Declaration of Romania recognizing the Jurisdiction of the ICJ as Compulsory - Dr. Ion Galea, General Director for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania 


A Summary Assessment of the ICJ Judgment of 3 February 2009 in the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine) Case - James Crawford, Vaughan Lowe, Alain Pellet, Daniel Müller, Simon Olleson 

Presentation of the Cases regarding Romania before the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice (other than the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea) 

Programme of the Conference “Romania and the International Court of Justice. 5 years since the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea”, Bucharest , Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Gafencu Hall 

Presentations of the Contributors

Detalii tehnice
Data aparitiei06 oct. 2014
Categorie generalaVariae
Numar pagini238
Tip copertaCarte brosata
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