The first number of the Titu Maiorescu University Law Review has appeared in 2002. The goal was to mark the most important scientific results of the students, doctoral students and professors from the Law Faculty, and also of the specialists in juridical field which our institution is collaborating with. The editorial board includes academics from prestigious institutions of higher education from the country and abroad. Also, in order to ensure greater international scientific visibility, beginning with VIIIth issue, the review is published in English (with some contributions in French, as Titu Maiorescu University is member of Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). The Titu Maiorescu University Law Review is indexed in HeinOnline and CEEOL international databases.
Primul numar al Revistei Analele Universitatii Titu Maiorescu Seria Drept a aparut in anul 2002. Scopul a fost acela de a marca si disemina cele mai importante rezultate stiintifice ale studentilor, doctoranzilor si profesorilor de la Facultatea de Drept, precum si ale specialistilor din domeniul juridic cu care universitatea are relatii de colaborare. Colectivul de redactie include cadre didactice din institutii de prestigiu din invatamantul superior din tara si din strainatate. De asemenea, pentru a se asigura o mai mare vizibilitate stiintifica internationala, incepand cu numarul al VIII-lea (2009), revista este publicata in limba engleza (cu contributii in limba franceza, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu fiind membru al Agentiei Universitare a Francofoniei). Analele Universitatii Titu Maiorescu Seria Drept sunt indexate in baze de date stiintifice internationale de prestigiu, si anume HeinOnline si CEEOL.
The importance and the usefulness of the concept of stock and trade within the current legislative framework, Smaranda ANGHENI
Considerations on the law applicable to fiducia (trust) institution, Camelia Florentina STOICA, Silvia Lucia CRISTEA
Acquiring the parliamentary mandate and starting the exercise of the parliamentary mandate, Constantin SIMA
Controversial aspects regarding the salary system in Romania, Radu Razvan POPESCU
Interpretation of the insurance contract, Manuela TABARAS
Reduction of penalties in the new civil code and in other european legislation, Florin LUDUSAN
Theoretical analysis on the patrimonial rights of the fine arts creators, Cosmin CERNAT, Madalina UJENIUC
The rule on european law, component integrated within national legal order, Luiza Melania TEODORESCU
Principle of non-retroactivity of criminal law according to article 7 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Bogdan VIRJAN
The principle of autonomy of will and the freedom of contract, Mihaela Cristina PAUL
Aspects of the legal implications of biotechnology in the context of environmental liability, Diana Nicoleta DEACONU DASCALU, Silviu DEACONU
Constitutional regime for the engagement of government’s liability abuse of power in the practice of enactment, Mariana OPRICAN
Public interest, mandatory condition for access to courts, according to art. 8 of Law no. 554/2004 of the contentious administrative, Mihaela CONSTANTINESCU
The legal nature of the administration of the property of others, Alexandru Mihnea ANGHENI
Critical remarks on protecting the family member in the new Criminal code, Rodica BURDUSEL
Considerations on the evolution of the legal personality of the European Union, Dan VATAMAN
Review: "The law of responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts”, lecturer Ph.D., Felicia Maxim