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Reduceri Hamangiu Black Friday 2024 - Editura Hamangiu

Transnational Commercial Contract Law

Concise Commentary On The UNIDROIT Principles Of International Commercial Contracts 2016
ISBN/ISSN: 978-606-18-0690-4
Editura: C.H. Beck
169,00 RON
Disponibilitate: Aceasta carte nu mai este pe stoc si nu mai poate fi comandata

In May 2016, the Governing Council of UNIDROIT adopted the amendments and additions to the Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2010). The Secretariat of UNIDROIT was authorized to prepare and publish the 2016 edition of this instrument of soft uniform substantive law to be known as the ‘2016 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts’.

In light of the previous efforts developed by Romanian scholars, Professors Tudor R. Popescu and Sergiu Deleanu, I took the liberty to draft a Concise Commentary on the 2016 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. Each black letter law and Official Comments were examined through the lens of arbitration and judicial litigation; therefore, the UNILEX data base was very useful in the process of such drafting.

It seems that the Era of Globalization comes to its end; notwithstanting, the Age of Uniform Law comes to its development. The 2016 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts ‘take into account the special needs of long-term contracts’ [see Official Introduction to the 2016 Edition, in UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2016, pp. vii, Rome, 2017, published by International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)].

This Concise Commentary takes into account the special needs of my ideology; that is, the so-called ideology of ‘Scholarly Pragmatism’; in order to spread such ideology, I take also the liberty to suggest the employment of this instrument of soft uniform substantive law in the proceedings, be it arbitral or state court proceedings.

Radu Bogdan Bobei
Rome, May 2017

In luna mai 2016, Consiliul Guvernatorilor UNIDROIT  a adoptat modificarile si completarile Principiilor Contractelor Comerciale Internationale (2010). Secretariatul UNIDROIT  a fost mandatat sa elaboreze si sa publice editia 2016 a acestui document de drept substantial uniform neobligatoriu care urmeaza a fi popularizat sub denumirea ‘Principiile Contractelor Comerciale Internationale, UNIDROIT 2016’.

In lumina eforturilor anterioare consolidate de eruditii romani, Profesorii Tudor R. Popescu si Sergiu Deleanu, mi-am energizat libertatea de a redacta un Comentariu Concis al Principiilor Contractelor Comerciale Internationale, UNIDROIT 2016. Textele propriu-zise ale articolelor, cat si textele Comentariilor Oficiale au fost examinate in contextul aplicarii acestora in procedurile arbitrale si judiciare; prin urmare, baza de date UNILEX a fost extrem de utila in demersul de redactare a acestui Comentariu.

Se pare ca Epoca Globalizarii isi atinge limitele; cu toate acestea, se pare ca Epoca Dreptului Uniform isi atinge apogeul. Principiile Contractelor Comerciale Internationale, UNIDROIT 2016, ‘iau in considerare nevoile specifice ale contractelor incheiate pe termen lung’ [a se vedea Introducerea Oficiala a Editiei 2016, in Principiile Contractelor Comerciale Internationale, UNIDROIT 2016, pp. vii, Roma, 2017, publicata de Institutul International pentru Unificarea Dreptului Privat (UNIDROIT)].

Redactarea acestui Comentariu Concis a fost efectuata in lumina propriei ideologii a subsemnatului; aceasta este asa-numita ideologie a ‘Pragmatismului Livresc’; pentru a propaga aceasta ideologie, imi energizez, de asemenea, libertatea de a sugera utilizarea acestui document de drept substantial uniform neobligatoriu in cadrul procedurilor fie arbitrale, fie judiciare.  

Radu Bogdan Bobei
Roma, mai 2017 

Detalii tehnice
Data aparitiei21 aug. 2017
Categorie generalaVariae
Numar pagini640
Tip copertaCarte brosata
Alti clienti au cumparat si
Contracte si obligatii comerciale - Gheorghe Piperea