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Reduceri Hamangiu Black Friday 2024 - Editura Hamangiu

Analele Universitatii Titu Maiorescu - Titu Maiorescu University law review 2013

ISBN/ISSN: 1584-4781-2013
Editura: Hamangiu
20,00 RON
Disponibilitate: Aceasta carte nu mai este pe stoc si nu mai poate fi comandata

The first number of the Titu Maiorescu University Law Review has appeared in 2002. The goal was to mark the most important scientific results of the students, doctoral students and professors from the Law Faculty, and also of the specialists in juridical field which our institution is collaborating with. The editorial board includes academics from prestigious institutions of higher education from the country and abroad. Also, in order to ensure greater international scientific visibility, beginning with VIIIth issue, the review is published in English (with some contributions in French, as Titu Maiorescu University is member of Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). The Titu Maiorescu University Law Review is indexed in HeinOnline and CEEOL international databases.


Primul numar al Revistei Analele Universitatii Titu Maiorescu Seria Drept a aparut in anul 2002. Scopul a fost acela de a marca si disemina cele mai importante rezultate stiintifice ale studentilor, doctoranzilor si profesorilor de la Facultatea de Drept, precum si ale specialistilor din domeniul juridic cu care universitatea are relatii de colaborare. Colectivul de redactie include cadre didactice din institutii de prestigiu din invatamantul superior din tara si din strainatate. De asemenea, pentru a se asigura o mai mare vizibilitate stiintifica internationala, incepand cu numarul al VIII-lea (2009), revista este publicata in limba engleza (cu contributii in limba franceza, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu fiind membru al Agentiei Universitare a Francofoniei). Analele Universitatii Titu Maiorescu Seria Drept sunt indexate in baze de date stiintifice internationale de prestigiu, si anume HeinOnline si CEEOL.

Lobby or influence peddling?

Alexandru Boroi

On the positioning of the offence of infanticide in The New Criminal Code

Rodica Burdusel

Jurisprudence in the Romanian legal system

Mihail Niemesch

Relationship between mediation and arbitration in the light of the new mediation rules issued by the International Chamber of Commerce

Manuela Sirbu

Concealment of sources of taxable income within the meaning to article 9 para. 1 let. a) of Law no. 241/2005 on the prevention and fight against tax evasion

Bogdan Virjan

Aspects regarding the contraventional liability and the criminal liability for environmental damages

Diana Deaconu-Dascalu, Silviu Deaconu

Regulations regarding the superficies right in The New Civil Code

Mihaela Cristina Paul 

Social and economic premises on the rule of law

Mircea Tutunaru

Representation in The New Civil Code

Oana Cristina Niemesch 

Considerations on the modifications of the labour legislation brought by Law no. 42/2011 and Law no. 62/2011 (Law of the social dialogue) and flexisecurity requirements. Special focus on collective bargaining

Radu Stefan Patru

State sovereignty in the context of European construction

Gabriel Micu

International rules and policies on the right to food security and safety

Maria Iuliana Neagu

Feminism – the argument for a juridical conceptualization of women’s rights

Maria Beatrice Berna

Detalii tehnice
Data aparitiei10 dec. 2013
Categorie generalaPeriodice
Numar pagini170
Tip coperta165x235 mm, Carte brosata