Introduction: Judicial Culture as Vector of Legal Europeanization - Manuel Gutan
I. Paths of Change in (European) Judicial Culture
Judicial Culture and European Integration – from an Austrian Perspective - Irmgard Griss
Judicial Dialogue in the Process of Europeanization: the Perspective of Constitutional Justice - Rainer Arnold, Manuel Strunz
The Role of Dignity in Constitutional Comparative Justice - Cinzia Piciocchi
Inertia or Pattern Following? Phase Lag of and Defiance by the Central and Eastern European Judiciary – Csaba Varga
II. Constitutional Adjudication and Political Pressures
Legitimization by Political Obedience or by Discourse? – Some Brief Considerations on the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Romania - Marius Balan BALAN
Shaping the Role of the President: The Influence of the Romanian Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence - Bogdan Dima
III. Constitutional-Judicial Culture and Europeanization
Constitutional Semantics and Legal Culture - Elena Simina Tanasescu
Constitutional-Judicial Culture in Romania – Ambivalence and Possibility - Bogdan Iancu
‘Europeanization’ Versus ‘New Localism’ in Shaping Fundamental Rights: ‘Free Speech’ Definitions, Limitations and Deadlocks in New Democracies - Alexandra Iancu
IV. Judicial Culture and European Human Rights
Direct Application of the European Court of Human Right’s Case-Law by Romanian Domestic Courts - Beatrice Ramascanu
Human Rights – An Element of the European Judicial Culture? - Bianca Selejan-Gutan
The Romanian Judicial Culture and the Application of the European Court of Human Rights’ Case-Law. An Empirical Research - Manuel Gutan
V. Judicial Culture and European Law
The Culture of Excess (On How Not to Enforce the European Union Law) - Raluca Bercea
Facing a Double Europeanization of the Refugee Law: The Romanian Courts’ Experiences – Catrinel Brumar